Post Doctoral Fellows

ILS/UEC has the financial support for post doctral fellows from Ministry of Education and Culture of Japanese government in the following research areas in this year.  The periode should be two or three years.

  1. High power fiber laser development
  2. LD-pumped solid state lasers
  3. Spectroscopic studies of new laser materials,
  4. Atom optics and atom interferometers,


  1. Less than 5 years from Ph.D. degree
  2. Age :  less than 36 years old
  3. Salary :  ¥3,800,000 Japanese yen

Please investigate the publication list in our home page.

If you are interested in our group, please contact to Prof. Ueda, director of ILS.
The e-mail address of Prof. Ueda is as follows,

    Prof. Ken-ichi Ueda

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Any comment about this page, please send email to:

(c)Copyright 2002 Institute for Laser Science,University of Electro-Communications. All rights reserved.