Coherent atom optics with ultra cold atomsInstitute for Laser Science
Recent developments in laser cooling and Bose-Einstein condensation of atoms have opened up a new research field so called coherent atom optics which treat ultra cold atoms as coherent matter waves like laser light. We are interested in the manipulation of ultra cold atoms and their applications to precision measurements and quantum information processing. We have realized a Bose-Einstein condensation of rubidium (Rb) atoms (Fig. 1). Thus we can use these condensate atoms as a coherent matter wave source or an atom laser for various atom optics experiments such as an atomic interferometry and an atom holography. These condensate atoms can also be guided and manipulated in an atomic waveguide on a substrate so called an atom chip (Fig.2). Using this atom chip, we will realize a micro integrated atom circuit and it will be useful for the realization of a quantum information processing with cold atoms. |
Fig.1 Bose-Einstein condensation of Rb atoms. Below a critical temperature (Tc), a narrow peak appears in the velocity distribution of atoms. |
Fig.2 Atom chip (micro integrated atom circuit). Gold wires are fabricated on a Si substrate. Magnetic waveguide potentials for cold atoms can be generated by flowing current through wires. |